“I fear that we
have awakened a sleeping giant
and filled him with a terrible resolve.”
Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto
Empire of Japan
December 7th, 1941
This collection is dedicated to the victims and events of September 11th, 2001--those of the World Trade Centers, The Pentagon, Shanksville Pennsylvania, and all those who defend liberty and justice. Not since the attack on Pearl Harbor have Americans known war on our homeland, and most of us cannot remember what it is to be at war.
World War II poet and Nobel Prize winner Csezlaw Milosz felt that his greatest duty as a poet was to create a record and to serve as witness to the events he had endured as a Lithuanian living in Poland.
And now we are at a great crossroads in time. This has not happened, ever, in the history of the world, when civilization has lost its place, and the weak seek to terrorize the innocent. I hope that our nation rises from its sleep, and that we can, as a people, remember what our fathers knew, what their fathers knew, and what the young have never had to know.
As President Bush said, we have a quiet, unyielding anger, but this must turn to resolve, so that there will again be a time when whole generations cannot remember war.
We will never forget the images in our minds of the U.S.S. George Washington, defending New York Harbor; F16 fighter jets protecting our skies, or the courageous spirit displayed by the firefighters, rescue workers, and police. Like Csezlaw Milosz, we are the witnesses of this generation, and it is our duty to record it well.
Poetry can capture the horror, the betrayal, anger, the great sadness, and the great triumph of spirit we know and will know. We must serve the future and create the record, the history--and ultimately, the emotions--of this time. We are no longer 'Generation X', and we have heard our calling.
The price of freedom is eternal vigilance, so let us mark our words carefully, for our children and for our posterity. Let them never forget what we have seen, what we have felt and what we have written--what happened on September 11th, 2001.
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These poems and poets are also featured on Modern War Poetry (MWP).
USMC Marine Corps poetry, by Lewis Watt
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All authors retain copyright of their works, which must be approved for publication on The Poet's Forum.
The Sleeping Giant | by William E. Ames |
The Ghosts | by Gloria Baikauskas |
I inform you, Minoru Yamasaki | by Manuel Quintero-Vargas |
9/11/2001 | by Michael Luby |
A Call to Arms | by Vaughn Fritts |
Scarred Parachutes | by Low Guojian Ethan |
Gone is the Day | by Herbert L. Burd |
Untitled | by Lara Guinevere Traver |
Empty Skies | by Pam Lovelace Gremillion |
Grieve, America | by Raynette Eitel |
Enemy in Our Sights | by Mark Bratrsovky |
Peace of Mind | by Robert M. Hensel |
Promise to Osama | by Sherri Granato |
Distant Witness | by Kelly Ann Malone |
Homage to America | by Gaynor Morgan |
Today a Soldier Came Home | by Sherri Stansell Bailey |
Souls of September | |
A Giant has been Awakened |
by Joe Pielmeier, Sr.
Editor's note: |
Depth of America | by William Broome |
9/11 in Memoriam | by Marc Mullo |
A Birthday to Remember | by Holley A. Kinnear (Murray) |
Via Doloroso (The Sorrowful Way) - NEW! | by Bob McNeil |
The Cross at Ground Zero
New York
Footprint of The
Twin Towers
Ground Zero, New York